On 31/03/2020 a three-member Advisory Committee was appointed by the decision of the 8th Assembly of the Department as follows:
Susana Lugo Miron, Assistant Professor (Supervisor)
Angeliki Alexopoulou, Assistant Professor (Member)
Ana Blanco Canales, Associate Professor (Member)
“Música y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras” ("Music and teaching foreign languages") as determined by the 8th Assembly of the Department, on 31/03/2020.
On 31/03/2020, a three-member Advisory Committee was appointed by decision of the 8th Assembly of the Department as follows:
Arturo Vargas, Associate Professor(Supervisor)
Dimitrios Drosos, Professor (Member)
Maria Tsokou, Assistant Professor (Member)
«Η ιστορική, κοινωνική και πολιτική πραγματικότητα της Κολομβίας στα τέλη του 20ου και τις αρχές του 21ου αιώνα μέσα από το έργο του Santiago Gamboa» ("The historical, social and political reality ofColombia in the late 20thand early 21st century through the work of Santiago Gamboa") as defined by the 8th Assembly of the Department on 31/03/2020.